Bloodborne Pathogens and Other Traveling Germs

Focusing on the school setting, this no-nonsense presentation explains how to avoid transmission of pathogens, with emphasis on those carried by blood and other bodily fluids.
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Product Description

This timely program covers these important topics:

  • Germs - and how they travel from person to person
  • What to do when someone has a nosebleed or gets a cut or scrape
  • How teachers and the school nurse can help when someone is bleeding
  • Dangerous behaviors that may spread bloodborne disease, such as handling needles or broken glass

The importance of handwashing in preventing illness By showing kids everyday dangers of classroom and playground, and by outlining some simple safeguards, Bloodborne Pathogens and Other Germs will help keep your students and their friends safe and healthy.

"Blood Borne Pathogens is very direct and at the students' level. It correlates directly with the material in our curriculum." - Sarah Box, 5th Grade Teacher, North Side Elementary, Harrisburg (PA)

Key Concept: Teach kids simple safeguards

Run Time 10:22

Closed Captioned

Age Group: Grades 2-4

Assembly Required No
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