Beyond Lockdown – Stop the Bleed
In trauma-related emergencies, the top cause of preventable death is bleeding. Twenty percent of people who have died from traumatic injuries could have survived with proper bleeding control.
This webinar is designed to help you “Stop the Bleed” by learning how to recognize life-threatening blood loss, how to stop it and how to get victims the emergency medical help they need quickly.You will learn:
- The immediate response to bleeding
- To recognize life-threatening bleeding
- The appropriate ways to stop bleeding
About the Presenter:
Corina Bilger, NREMT (ret.) is an educator certified by the National Association of EMS Educators (NAEMSE) as well as the Health and Safety Institute (HSI) for CPR/AED and First Aid.
Corina is also the Director of International Sales for H&H Medical Products and works with emergency medical and military professionals teaching advanced hemorrhage control. She is also a member of the JEMS Editorial Board, advising on international EMS topic.