Alphabet Scramble

Set up:


Alphabet Scramble

Work together as a team to spell a given word by tossing an object using the paratossers from letter to letter!

To work together as a team (pairs) to spell a given word by tossing an object using the paratossers from letter to letter.

Grade Level: K-6



  • Scatter alphabet spots on ground throughout playing area
  • Place a word under each letter (should start with the letter poly spot, ie. A {ant} B{ball}
  • Place hula hoops with a variety of manipulatives, paratosser, and alphabet card in each of them
  • Group students in pairs and send to a hula hoop
  • Pairs grab the alphabet card, paratosser, and one of the manipulatives from hoop (their choice) and go to the first letter on their card.
  • At the letter spot, pairs lift up spot and read the word beneath it
  • Pairs must spell the word by successfully tossing and catching an item using paratosser at each of the letters in the word.
  • Once word completed, they lift up the end letter poly spot to begin new word
  • Pairs may not advance letters in word until an object is successfully tossed and caught.
  • Pairs can take turns tossing and catching roles with each letter
  • Can use grade level sight/vocab words or words used in current PE unit
  • Could also use sentences under the spots with a blank word for students to figure out and spell.


Posted in Activities