
Set up:



Learn what germs are and how they cause the spread of illness through coming into contact with them!

By Erin Sabyan


Teach students what germs are and how they cause the spread of illness through coming into contact with them.


PALOS Ultra-Light 6” Foam Balls, (10586-PS) (Set of 6) 1 ball per player
Note: Other styles of foam balls may be used.

Large container to hold the foam balls

Set Up:

Place the bucket of foam balls in the center of an open playing area. The container should be large enough to make the balls easy to access.
One student is given a ball and chosen to be the first germ. The rest of the students are spread throughout the playing area.


At the teacher’s signal, play begins with the first germ trying to tag the other students. When a player gets tagged by germs, they must go and get a germ (foam ball) and then tag as many people as possible. This continues until everyone has been tagged by a germ. 

Even with a large class this game will only take about 1 minute to complete. Then you have a discussion showing how fast germs can spread through touch. Ask the students where they might come in contact with germs and how germs can be prevented. 

This game pairs perfectly, and is a great lead up to the game ABC’s of Handwashing.


Posted in Activities