I Like to Move It Move It Math

Set up:


I Like to Move It Move It Math

Increase math composing/decomposing skills while being physically active with a partner or small group!

White Boards – Set of 6 (21202-PS)
Skinny Hoops (14028-PS)
Colored Cone Set of 6 (21049-PS)
Alphabet Spots (70061-PS)
Foam Dice 2 sets of 6 (15034-PS)
The Zone™ Cone Folders Set of 6 (21192-PS)
Big Digit Timer (48025-PS)

To increase math composing/decomposing skills with partners.

Description of Game:
One student at a time from each group will take turns being the leader and go to the center and select a number card and bring it back to their group. As a group they must use their whiteboards and write down as many different combinations of numbers they can use to get to the number they selected on their card.

When the leader brings the card back he or she will share the number with the group. The group will then run one lap together around the outside of the playing area. While running their lap they should be starting to think of number combinations to write down. Students can share with one another out loud or wait until they all return to their home spot. When they return they should flip their timer over and begin to share their combinations while the leader writes them down on the whiteboard.

Example: Addition: They have the number 12. Students can write down 6 + 6, 3 + 9, 4 + 8, and so on. Each group will have 30 seconds to complete as many combinations as they can. When they are done or can no longer think of any more number combinations, the group will look at their card and and see what color sticker is on it. That color will determine which exercise station they will go to for their group exercise. If the sticker is red then the student that is the leader will go to the red cone.

Each cone will have an exercise written in the cone folder. The leader will roll the two foam dice, which will determine how many of the exercise they will do. That student will come back to the group and lead the group in their exercise. When finished a new leader will go to the middle and repeat the process. 

Divide students into groups of 2, 3 or 4 depending on class sizes and assign them a letter and those students will go that spot. In the center of the playing area will be cards scattered face down. Around the perimeter of the gym will be 6 cones each with a cone folder. Next to the cone will be a hula hoop and two foam dice.


Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division


Posted in Activities