Tagged with 'Poly Spots'

Bonkers 4 Bonds

Set- Up:


Bonkers 4 Bonds

A partner activity that combines fitness and math skills perfect for K-2! 

Bonkers 4 Bonds is a partner activity that combines fitness and math skills such as number bonds and sequencing. Students will practice social emotional skills as they exercise and solve math problems together.

Grade Level: K-2

Shape Standards: P.E. Standards 1, 3, 4


Before students arrive set up 6 cones to create a large rectangle (i.e. use volleyball court lines). In the middle of the rectangle (center basketball circle), set up 2 hula hoops side by side. In 1 hula hoop, set all the Fill It In Fitness Cards FACE DOWN. In the other hula hoop, set up all the dominoes FACE DOWN (you may need more than 1 hula hoop if you are using the giant dominos). Spread out 12 hula hoops in their own space inside the rectangle. In each hula hoop, place 1 12-sided die. Place 1 matching color poly spot outside of each hula hoop at the bottom.

Sequence of events:
Number Bond Examples:

Composing (adding) number bonds: composing (adding) number bonds

  1. Divide the students into partners and send each partner group to a hula hoop with a die.
  2. The object of the game is complete as many Fill It In Fitness Cards AND number bonds as possible.
  3. Partners will take turns retrieving a Fill It In Fitness Card from the center hoop. They will bring it back to their hula hoop and BOTH partners will complete the exercise. Students must first figure out the missing number in the sequence. This is the number of repetitions for the exercise.
  4. After the partners complete the exercise, the SAME person will trade in their Fill It In Fitness Card (FACE DOWN in the Fill It In Fitness hula hoop) for 1 domino.
  5. They will bring the domino back to their hula hoop and place it face up on their poly spot.
  6. The partners will work together to COMPOSE (add) the 2 numbers on the
    dominos together to find the total (i.e. 2 + 3 = 5). It may help for you to refer to this as part-part-whole. The domino represents the 2 parts, and the die is the whole.
  7. The partners will use the 12-sided dice to show their answer. They will place the answer face up on the die.
  8. Once the students have the correct answer, the OTHER partner (take turns) will trade in their domino (FACE DOWN in the domino hula hoop) for another Fill It In Fitness Card.
  9. The partners will repeat #’s 3 – 7 until time runs out.

Decomposing (subtracting) number bonds:

  1. Remove the hula hoop with the dominos and the poly spots. Add 1 white board, dry erase marker and eraser to each hula hoop.
  2. Divide the students into partners and send each partner group to a hula hoop with a die.
  3. The object of the game is complete as many Fill It In Fitness Cards AND number bonds as possible.
  4. Partners will take turns retrieving a Fill It In Fitness Card from the center hoop. They will bring it back to their hula hoop and BOTH partners will complete the exercise. Students must first figure out the missing number in the sequence. This is the number of repetitions for the exercise.
  5. After the partners complete the exercise, the SAME person will roll their 12- sided die.
  6. The partners will work together to DECOMPOSE (take apart or subtract) the whole number on the die into 2 parts. Again, it may help students if you refer to this as part-part-whole. The die is the whole and they are trying to figure out the 2 parts. The partners will write the 2 parts OR a number sentence on their white board.
    • If the students write 2 parts on the white board, there may be many possible correct answers (i.e. an 8 on the die could be: 1 and 7, 2 and 6, 3 and 5 or 4 and 4).
    • If the students write a number sentence, it can be either subtraction or addition (i.e. 8 – 5 = 3 OR 5 + 3 = 8). Again, there are multiple correct answers for the number 8 (i.e. 8 – 4 = 4 OR 4 + 4 = 8).
  7. Once the students have a correct answer, the OTHER partner (take turns) will trade in their Fill It In Fitness Card (FACE DOWN) for another Fill It In Fitness Card. While this is happening, the other partner can be erasing the white board.
  8. The partners will repeat #’s 4 – 8 until time runs out.

Rules and Safety:

  • Students will be moving in various directions. Remind students to be aware of their surroundings.
  • Student must keep their die in their hula hoop at ALL times.
  • Remind students to place the dominos and Fill It In Fitness Cards FACE DOWN when they are putting them back into the hula hoops.
  • Students must take turns trading in dominos, rolling the die and trading in Fill It In Fitness Cards.
  • BOTH students must exercise together.


  • Use white boards for both the composing and decomposing version (eliminates the dice)
  • If whole numbers up to 12 are too difficult for the students, choose dominos that only go from #1 – 6 OR use number cards (playing cards or UNO cards #1 – 6). If you play with cards, students must take 2 cards each time from the hula hoop for the 2 parts (part-part-whole).
  • Use Double 12 dominos to increase the math challenge. You will need to only use white boards for this version.
  • Use number cards (playing cards or UNO cards). If you play with cards, students must take 2 cards each time from the hula hoop for the 2 parts (part-part-whole).
  • Use craft sticks to show the answers rather than dice or white boards
  • Incorporate other fitness activities rather than Fill It In Fitness Cards

Posted in Activities

Cardio Spelling

Set up:


Cardio Spelling

Get your heart pumping while practicing spelling! For grades 2 and up.


Grade Level:

2nd grade and up


How to Play:

  • Split students into groups of four
  • At the start of each lane (group), the first student will start on their poly spot
  • The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th students will be spaced out along the gym floor on their poly spot. Each spot has a different exercise/activity.
  • To start, the students on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th poly spots start exercising. The teacher will give student 1 the spelling word; they look at the word and put it on the ground.
  • Person 1 jogs to Person 2 and tells them the first letter of the spelling word, person 2 jogs to person 3 and tells them the letter and person 3 jogs to person 4 and tells them the letter. Person 4 then writes the letter down on the dry erase board (kind of like old school spelling).
  • Once each person is told the letter, they do that exercise until they are visited again with the next letter
  • After person four writes down the letter, they head back to the beginning to get the next letter and the process begins again. This occurs until the entire word is written.

Do the entire word instead of each letter, instead of running to the next spot, do a locomotor movement, give several exercises at each spot.

Posted in Activities

Recon Battleship

Set up:


Recon Battleship

Sink the other teams battleships before they sink yours by throwing balls over the mats! 

To sink the other teams battleships before they sink yours by throwing balls over the mats. Teams can use recon missions to share information on target locations.


Description of Game:

Students will be divided into two teams. Each team will place their weighted targets on 4 different fitness steps in a location they choose on their half of the gym. These will be the ships for the game. There will be two ships with two targets and two ships with four targets for each team. Each ship will also have a safe barrier of hula hoops around them. No player may step inside these when guarding their ships. Along one side of the gym will be the letters A-F and along the bottom near the center will be the numbers 1-6. These will be to help students share locations of their opponents ships when they do a recon mission. Students will throw balls blindly attempting to knock over targets and sinking the other teams ships. If a player catches a ball from the other team before it hits the ground they get to run a recon mission. A recon mission allows the student to run a lap around the perimeter of the gym. During this lap they will gather information on the location of the other teams ships. They will then share that information with their teammates. Approximately 8 feet from the center of the gym on both sides is a red line. Students may not cross the line while standing. If they need to get a ball they will need to army crawl to get the ball and then crawl back. This is so they cannot see over the mats.

Set Up:

Set 5-6 folding mats standing up across the center of the gym dividing the gym into two halves. 4 fitness steps with 2 or 4 targets on them, A-F and 1-6 spots on floor.

Posted in Activities




Avoid getting caught by the Fisherman!

By: Erin Sabyan


The Fishies have to avoid getting caught by Fisherman.



Note: This game setup is for medium to large class sizes. Small classes may reduce the number of BIGFish and adjust spots accordingly.

  • The number of spot markers you need depends on the number of players in the game. Subtract 12 from the total number of players. This will be your spot count. (ex. 30 players – 12 = 18 spots)
  • Spread out the spots in a random pattern throughout the playing area. 
  • Assign six players to be “Fishies” and give each a BIGFish.  Spread them out randomly.
  • Assign six players to be Fisherman and spread them out randomly apart from the fishies.
  • All remaining players will take a place on a poly spot. Only one player per spot.


  • It is the Fisherman’s job to catch the BIGFish. This is done by tagging the fishies between the shoulders and hips. The fishies can run anywhere they want. The only way for a fishy to be safe is to hand off their BIGFish to any player on a spot marker and take their place. Note: This must be a hand off. Throwing is not allowed.
  • Players who receive a BIGFish must take it and either avoid being caught by a fisherman, or hand it off to a player on a different spot marker. The player cannot hand it directly back to the fishy they received it from.
  • When a fisherman tags a fishy, they receive the BIGFish and the former fishy moves to a poly spot. The player on the spot becomes a fisherman.
  • This is a continuous game. There is no single winner. Plays continues until the teacher signals.

Posted in Activities

Two Base Kickball


Two Base Kickball

Be the team with the most points scored after 7 innings!


To be the team with the most points scored after 7 innings.


Set Up:

  • Using a typical baseball field design, place the 6 cannons in a row, all at different angles, where home plate would typically rest. They should all face the outfield.
  • Place the spot marker or hoop 30-40 feet away from the cannon launchers where the pitcher’s mound would normally be.
  • One team will take positions in the outfield and place one player in the catcher’s position.
  • The other team lines up in a single file row close to the cannons. This is the “batting” team.


  • The batting team scores points (runs) by running to the center spot/hoop and back to the cannons without getting out.
  • The batter steps up to one cannon and jumps or stomps on it to launch the ball. Batters can chose to run to the center spot/hoop and stay there, or immediately run back and attempt to score a run.  Note: Players may also run back after another batter’s turn or remain on the spot/hoop as long as they wish.
  • The next batter should load the empty cannon while awaiting their turn. All cannons should be loaded prior to a turn. However, a batter can stomp on any cannon during their turn.
  • There are 4 ways for a batter to get out.
  1. If a batter stomps on an empty cannon, for any reason.
  2. The opposing team catches the batter’s ball in the air.
  3. A “force out” – The opposing team retrieves the batter’s ball while in play and steps on the spot/hoop before the batter gets there, or the opposing team’s catcher gains control of the ball before the batter clears the line of cannons.
  4. The batter changes or reverses their running direction. Note: Runners must remain in a straight line and cannot change their mind once they decide to run.
  • After three outs, the teams switch places. It is the responsibility of the batting team to make sure their own cannons are properly loaded.

Game note: As soon as a play is over, the ball should be thrown/rolled back to the batting team.  As soon as this happens, the next batter can go. They do not need to wait for the ball to actually get back to them. The ball’s return is the signal for the next batter to go. This speeds up the game.

Posted in Activities

Stomp and Score Sequence

Set up:


Stomp and Score Sequence

Both a team and partner target activity using cannon launchers to earn alphabet cards to place them in sequential order!

Stomp & Score Sequence is both a team and partner target activity using cannon launchers to earn alphabet cards to place them in sequential order. This activity can add math or literacy to your P.E. lesson.

SHAPE standards: P.E. Standards 1, 2, 4



Before students arrive set up all the targets (hula hoops, poly spots and round goals within the 10’ volleyball court lines (or in the center area of the gym). Based on the age and ability level of your students, decide on a distance and set up 6 cannon launchers with cubes on each side of the gym. Younger students should be about 10’ away, and you can increase the distance for older students. Use your best judgement. Behind each set of launchers lay down a floor tape line (length depends on the number of cards in your sequence). Place a cone at the front of the line where the students should start the sequence. Next to the cone, place a bucket with all necessary cards.

Sequence of events:

  • Divide the students into two teams and send them to a side of the gym. Within each team, students will need partners. Each set of partners should sit by 1 cannon launcher.
  • Partners will take turns launching the cube from the cannon launcher. The person who launches the cube, must retrieve it and put it back into the launcher for their partner.
  • If a cube lands on a target, the student who launched the cube will go to their team’s bucket and collect the correct number of cards:
  • Hula hoop = 1 card
  • 19” poly spot = 2 cards
  • Round goal = 3 cards
  • Once the cards are collected, the student will place the card(s) on the floor tape line in sequential order.
  • The first team to place all ABC cards in sequential order wins.
  • If time allows, reset the game and play again.


Rules and safety:

  • Students will be moving in various directions. Remind students to be aware of their surroundings.
  • Students may only touch their cube.
  • There is no defense or interfering with another cube.
  • If a student recognizes that a card is out of order, they MAY fix it for their team.


  • Use any sequence variation:
  • Numbers
  • Site Words (alphabetical order)
  • Math Flash Cards (sequence by total, product, etc.)
  • Place a bucket of cards in the center. The team that can collect the most cards AND have them in sequential order wins.
  • Use different skills to earn cards:
  • Rolling
  • Underhand Throwing

Posted in Activities

The Great Alphabet Race

Set up:


The Great Alphabet Race

Work on throwing and tossing skills to gain letters to finish the alphabet!

Grade: K-5

Equipment Needed:


  •  Place trigoal in the center of the gym
  • Scatter one or two sets of the alphabet poly spots around the goal
  • Around the perimeter of the gym, place hoops with dodgedisc, alphabet card and marker inside
  • Send two students (partners) to each hoop

How to Play:

Each partner duo will take turns jogging to the letter they have next on their sheet, tossing the dodgedisc into the trigoal, and returning back to their partner.

If they are successful, they cross off the letter, and the next person shoots for the next letter. If they are not successful, the next partner tries for the same letter goal.

Once a partner duo finishes their alphabet successfully, they can trade in their dodgedisc for another piece of equipment and go again. You could also have your intermediate students give a PE specific word for each letter as they go.

Start at the letter with the arrow. What’s a PE word that begins with that letter?

Posted in Activities

Basketball Color Exchange


Set up: 




Basketball Color Exchange

Spin the color wheel and work on basketball skills!  

Grade: K-12

Equipment Needed:


  • Spread out jumbo spots with matching deck ring on top in a large circular shape.
  • Place a matching basketball on top of each deck ring.
  • Place a matching cone with cone folder in front of each spot (inside of circle).
  • Create two wheels using the app Classroom roulette. Using an ipad or laptop for the app and use a projector to have it displayed on one the wall in the gym.
  • On one wheel include 3 colors (red, orange, yellow) and on the other (green blue purple) and have them appear 2-3 times in each wheel.

How to Play:

Have students stand behind a jumbo spot facing the cones and center of circle.


  • Spin the two wheels at same time • If the wheel lands on the color you are standing at you pick up your ball and dribble around the outside of the circle in a clockwise direction using your dominant hand back to your same spot.
  • Everyone else picks up the ball and follows the task for the given color (which are located on the sheets inside of cone folder)
  • Continue spinning until everyone’s color has been selected at least once.
  • Additional rounds of level 1 could include: non-dominant hand, crossover dribble


  • If the wheel stops at your color pick up the ball and dribble through the circle and exchange spots with someone else of the same color(s) being called (wheel landed on)


  • If the wheel stops at your given color pick up the ball and dribble toward someone else of the same color and exchange passes and swap spots

Posted in Fab 5® Activities and Activities