Individualized Healthcare Plans Checklist

Individualized healthcare plans (IHP) are a tool that school nurses use to facilitate the well-being and the academic success of all learners. Documentation promotes sound planning, coordination, continuity, and evaluation of care.

Step 1 - Assessment

Assessment provides the foundation for development of an IHP.

What are your student’s health issues?

  • Health history
  • Current health status/management
  • Self-care skills/needs
  • Psychosocial status
  • Health issues related to learning

Step 2 - Nursing Diagnosis

Nursing Diagnosis details how the student is going to function in the school setting with this condition. There are three types of Nursing Diagnosis: Actual, Risk, and Wellness.

It gives direction to:

  • Identifying outcomes
  • Selection of nursing interventions
  • The evaluation of the interventions implemented

Step 3 - Goals

Goals are a statement of what is desired. Goals must be measurable and attainable. They should describe a measurable that is evident after nursing interventions have been completed. All goals will very depending on the setting and the student.

Step 4 - Nursing Interventions

Nursing Interventions describe what’s going to be done to meet the identifiable goals. Nursing interventions will very by the setting and the student. Some may be delegated but be careful to know your state’s delegation laws.

Step 5 - Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes are what the student is expected to do, experience or learn.

Essential characteristics of outcome criteria are that they must be:

  • Long-term or short-term
  • In measurable behaviors
  • Specific in content and time
  • Realistic and achievable

Final Step - Evaluation

Evaluation is done after completing a care plan and allows the school nurse to make judgments about the student’s progress toward identified goals

Questions to consider:

  • Is the outcome still appropriate?
  • Does any intervention need to be added or changed to continue progress toward a goal?
  • Is the timeline still appropriate?
  • Can goal achievement be related to the nursing interventions given?
  • Are there any barriers to meeting and achieving student outcomes?
  • Where there unexpected student outcomes?
  • Are nursing diagnosis still pertinent for the student's health condition?