Ordering Instructions
Please specify your Omnia Partners Contract Number R201104 and SH Quote #QUO000000258 when speaking with your representative.
Make sure you are logged in with your school email address to see your discounted pricing online.
Contact Information
For more information on the Omnia Partners agreement, contact:
Jennifer Lovell
National Contract Manager
Stephanie Spencer
National Contracts Administrator
Welcome Omnia Partners Members
Omnia Partners has awarded School Health Corporation national consortium contract R201104-SHC for Medical, Special Education, Physical Education, Sport Medicine and Early Childhood Supplies & Equipment.
Omnia Partners members must have a login (school email address) and password to access discounted pricing. Contact us for help getting started.
OMNIA Partners, Public Sector is the premier purchasing organization for state and local government, K-12 education, colleges and universities. All contracts available have been competitively solicited and publicly awarded by a government entity serving as the lead agency while utilizing industry best practices and processes. With the most experienced team in cooperative procurement and supply chain management, OMNIA Partners, Public Sector has the expertise to help public organizations achieve their strategic goals.
Order Information
Omnia Partners members receive the following benefits from our site:
- Deep discounts on our most popular items
- 11% off or greater on most list prices
- Free shipping on orders over $125.00 ($12.95 Shipping on all orders under $125.00)
- Friendly and professional customer service