Rochester News Station Interviews Gates Chili CSD & Mobilize Rescue Systems about Life-Saving Technology

Fox Rochester's Ashley Doerzbacher interviewed Superintendent Kim Ward and the Mobilize Rescue team about the #Mobilize1Million campaign and the use of the Mobilize Rescue System at the Gates Chili Central School District.

You can watch the interviews here (Be sure to scroll down to watch all five segments.)

Mob1mil_2Mobilize Rescue Systems offer the only interactive trauma and first aid system capable of helping untrained bystanders assess, manage, and monitor a spectrum of medical emergencies.

Each Mobilize product includes access to the Mobilize Rescue app, which provides users with just-in-time instructions to assess and manage life-threatening emergencies. Bystanders can follow simple steps in the Mobilize Rescue app, and have the knowledge and ability to provide care anywhere they go.

The interactive app is designed by experienced medical providers to place the highest accepted standards of emergency medical care in the hands of the everyday person. The app takes the guess work out of providing care - the untrained rescuer can determine the problem, locate the proper equipment and be taught to use it properly with interactive, just-in-time training.

Here are some notable quotes from the interview. These quotes highlight the benefits provided by Mobilize Rescue Systems during an emergency situation.

"I just feel like we're more equipped to handle any situation. It's a different world out there, and we need to be prepared. It's not something we like to think about, we hope we never have to use it, but helping our staff, even students, anyone who walks in the building knows what (the Mobilize Rescue Systems) are, knows where they're found next to our AEDs. They at least know they are equipped to respond and help save lives. We talk about innocent bystanders, these units allow you to be active in trying to save lives, in trying to stabilize victims until the emergency staff can arrive." - Superintendent Kim Ward, Gates Chili Central School District

"The technology for first aid has just changed so dramatically, with AEDs and everything else, and (the Mobilize Rescue System) is an addition to that." - Doug Emblidge, FOX Rochester

"It's so hard to predict how you will react in times of crisis, or during an emergency. That's why this is so important." - Jennifer Johnson, FOX Rochester

"It's also good to know, when we send our kids off to school, you trust that they're in good hands and you feel a little bit more confident that they've got (the Mobilize Rescue) technology there." - Alexis Arnold, FOX Rochester

"Safety comes first... I think it's important for people to feel a comfort, and to have hope that they can help until emergency responders can arrive on the scene." - Superintendent Kim Ward, Gates Chili Central School District

Learn more about the #Mobilize1Million campaign, and how you can sponsor and empower your school, workplace, community, or family to save lives.


Posted in School Health and Emergency Preparedness