Tagged with 'Hoops'

Break the Code



Break the Code

Be the first to break the code in this find and spell cross curricular game! 

For students to find the letters to spell a given sight word and earn points for their team using cross
curricular methods.

Grade level:



Put TriGoal™ in the center of the activity. Scatter the numbered spots around the tri-goal, make sure each spot has a letter on the bottom. Put hoops on the perimeter. In each hoop put a marker-board, marker, a ball, and code sheet.


Rules of the game/safety:

Send two students to each hoop. They should look at the code sheet in their hoop, determine who goes first, and then go to the numbered spot and try and score a goal. If you score a goal, look at the other side of the spot for your letter, and go back to your hoop. Write down the letter you earned. The next person then goes to another spot and tries to earn the next number/letter. Students should watch for personal space when retrieving their ball. If you get through your entire sheet, you can show the teacher, get a new sheet, and a new type of ball to send to goal.


  • Use sight words, spelling words from classrooms, or sports terminology to spell.
  • You could add up the numbers too.
  • You could put the balls on the spots to start instead of the hoops.

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Rock, Paper, Scapula



Rock, Paper, Scapula

Meets NASPE standards 1,2 and 4!


Illinois State Learning Goals:
23.A.1A, 23.A.2A

Naspe Standard:
1,2 and 4


  • Separate students into groups of 2 or small groups.
  • Scatter skeleton pieces in center ( or designated area) of playing area
  • On given signal 1 student from each group travels to center and finds an opponent to play a round of
    rock paper scissors.
  • Winner of round goes to middle and grabs 1 bone and returns it to their home base
  • Students must place correct bone label onto the retrieved bone.
  • Students who lose must return to their home base and select one exercise from the given list and
    perform as a group before the next member can go to center for another round.
  • When no bones are left in middle, students who win a round of R-P-S may steal from another group.
    Students may not steal from same group two consecutive times.
  • First team to assemble a complete skeleton and identify correctly wins.

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Dragon Ball



Dragon Ball

Be the first Dragon to get all of its eggs into a nest!

by Taylor Pringle

To be the first dragon to get all of its eggs into a nest.

SHAPE America Standards:

  • Demonstrate competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns
  • Applies Knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance
  • Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness
  • Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others
  • Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction


Set Up:

Place the Dragon Eggs (foam balls) in the center of the playing area. Dragon Eggs should be in a ball cart or a container large enough to hold 36 6” foam balls. You should have 6 Dragon Eggs of each color red, blue, yellow, orange, green, and purple. Place 2 goals on each end of the playing area around 30 feet away from the center. Or use four goals and place them in a square pattern 30 feet from the center of the court with the holes facing towards the middle.

Optional game play: Place the goals in the middle with the holes facing outward. Using six hula hoops place them evenly spaced in a circle 30 feet away from the center and place one ball of each color in each hoop.

How to Play:

Split the class up into 6 even teams. There should be one red, blue, yellow, orange, green and purple team. Each player starts with a super strap around their waist matching their teams color. If you have a class size of 30 students you will have 5 players per team. The player at the front of the team is the Dragon Head and the person at the back of the team is the Dragon Tail. The Dragon Tail should have two flags, one on each side or hip. Only the Dragon Tail has 2 flags. Each Dragon should start at the outside of the playing area. Dragons must be connected at all times by having everyone behind the Dragon Head resting their hands on the player’s shoulders in front of them. If at any time this link is broken or another Dragon Head pulls either of the flags on the Dragon Tail the Dragon must return to the side of the court where the Dragon Head choses an exercise that everyone in that Dragon must do 5 times. Then the player who was the Dragon Head moves to the back and becomes the Dragon Tail and everyone else moves up one spot in the Dragon. The object is to get all of your Dragons Eggs into any of the Dragon Nests (goals). The first team to accomplish this is the winner.

Note: When a Dragon Tail’s flag gets pulled the Dragon that pulled the flag must hand the flag back to the Dragon so they can re-attach it before they get back into the playing area after doing their exercises.

Optional Game Play:

Create a “no go” zone in front of each goal and make the Dragon Heads throw the Eggs into the Nest from 10 feet away.

Posted in Activities

Word Up



Word Up

Be the first team to assemble 4, 5, and 6+ letter words as a team through the roll of an alphabet dice.

To be the first team to assemble 4, 5, and 6+ letter words as a team through the roll of an alphabet dice.

Grade Level: 2-8


How to Play:

  • Students are placed in teams of 2 or small groups
  • 1 member from each team competes against another member from different team at hoop level 1.
  • Each player rolls 1 dice
  • Opponents play 1 round of R-P-S (rock, paper, scissor) to see who wins.
  • Winner remembers both letters which were rolled and reports them to home base to begin forming a word
  • Loser jogs 1 lap or performs given exercise and chooses1 letter to remember and bring back to home base.
  • If you roll a “sloppy dice” (outside of hoop), its an automatic loss
  • Students alternate turns and remain at same level until that level word is formed.
  • Student/team may advance a level once the word is formed.
  • Starting Level is red hoops and championship level is purple hoop
  • Team wins once all words have been completed!
  • Difficulty of words is based on level of hoop competing at.

Posted in Activities

Muscle Madness



Muscle Madness

The team that collects all the necessary muscles to assemble the body first, Wins!

Grade level:


How to Play:

  • 2-3 people to a hoop
  • Each hoop contains a poly muscle head and 2 dice
  • Students take turns rolling dice (each rolls 1 dice)
  • Students add the two dice together
  • Students run to the sign that has the sum of their two dice.
  • Once at the sum. They must do the exercise that it says to do then grab a muscle from pile under sign and return to their hoop
  • Team that collects all the necessary muscles to assemble the skeleton first, Wins!


  • Can be played with bones instead of muscles.
  • Can add more stations totaling up to 36 and use multiplication instead of addition.
  • Can have students answer a bone/muscle fact first before grabbing one to return to their home hoop.

Muscle Madness Stations by #

  1. Sloppy Dice: No muscle, Run 1 lap while singing ABC’s
  2. Traps: 20 Shoulder shrugs (10 forward and 10 backward)
  3. Deltoids: 10 Shoulder Taps
  4. Pecs: 1 Partner chest Bump & Grunt
  5. Biceps: 10 Arm Circles
  6. Obliques: Medicine ball twist exchange with partner
  7. Abs: 15 second leg lifts
  8. Forearm : Arm curls using exercise band
  9. Groin: Leg swings facing wall (both hands on wall, swing leg across body)
  10. Quads: 30 second wall sits
  11. Gastroc: 20 toe raises
  12. Hands/Feet: Give Partner a “high 10” and yell “woo-hoo”

Posted in Activities

The Math Derby



The Math Derby

Turn your card over to see how you must travel your next lap! 

IXL standards:
2nd Grade…Y.7-8, T.10-11
3rd Grade…F.1-13, G.2, G.9-10, G. 15-16, G.20, H.
4th Grade…D.1

Grade Level: Grades 1 & 2 – Addition and Subtraction • Grades 3+ – Multiplication and Division


  • Cones to set up an oval (race track) (21049-PS)
  • Team hoops with dry erase boards (21202-PS), markers, scratch paper and erasers
  • Enough Flat Hoops to have 2 kids per hoop with equipment above within them. (14004-PS)
  • Buckets with math cards (you’ll need lots of copies, laminated) (15607-PS)


  • Set up a large oval race track with cones. Put buckets with math cards at each end.
  • Place hoops inside the interior, and place a marker board, markers and eraser in each hoop.

How to play:

  • When the music begins you and your partner jog a lap around the cones.
  • After you finish the lap, one partner will stop at a bucket to choose one math card. They will then take it back to their teammate who is at their team’s hoop.
  • The partner that was waiting will write out the problem on the marker board and complete the problem.
  • The pair will then turn over the card to see how they must travel their next lap, watching carefully for safety and space.
  • As they continue to finish laps, they should take turns getting the math cards and writing on the marker board.
  • The teacher will move around the center of the track and check answers to problems. If they encounter an incorrect response, they will erase it and let the team try again.

Posted in Activities

Magic Number Dribble Addition



Magic Number Dribble Addition

Reach the Magic Number by adding the numbered poly spots together! 


Students divide up into 6 groups and go stand in a line at a hula hoop. Each group gets one ball. Numbered spots are spread out (number side up) in the center of the playing area.

Description of Game:
Before we start, I call out a “magic number” for the round. – this is the number that groups are trying to create by adding the numbered poly spots together. Groups must use a minimum of 3 poly spots that add up to equal the magic number. When the music starts, the first student from each group dribbles out to the center area, picks up one spot, dribbles back to their group, gives the ball to the next student and places the numbered spot in the hoop. Play continues in this fashion until the group has at least 3 spots that (when added together) equal the magic number. After a group wins, have all teams return their spots (# up) in the center of the playing area. Call out a new magic # and play again.

You may have multiple teams win a round. Ex. Magic # is 45. A team could get 21, 20, and a 4. Another team might have 16, 15, and 14. If a number a team needs is not available, they can dribble back to their hoop, take a spot out, dribble it back to the middle and take a new one. Remind students to dribble the ball at all times.

Posted in Activities

Bonkers 4 Bonds

Set- Up:


Bonkers 4 Bonds

A partner activity that combines fitness and math skills perfect for K-2! 

Bonkers 4 Bonds is a partner activity that combines fitness and math skills such as number bonds and sequencing. Students will practice social emotional skills as they exercise and solve math problems together.

Grade Level: K-2

Shape Standards: P.E. Standards 1, 3, 4


Before students arrive set up 6 cones to create a large rectangle (i.e. use volleyball court lines). In the middle of the rectangle (center basketball circle), set up 2 hula hoops side by side. In 1 hula hoop, set all the Fill It In Fitness Cards FACE DOWN. In the other hula hoop, set up all the dominoes FACE DOWN (you may need more than 1 hula hoop if you are using the giant dominos). Spread out 12 hula hoops in their own space inside the rectangle. In each hula hoop, place 1 12-sided die. Place 1 matching color poly spot outside of each hula hoop at the bottom.

Sequence of events:
Number Bond Examples:

Composing (adding) number bonds: composing (adding) number bonds

  1. Divide the students into partners and send each partner group to a hula hoop with a die.
  2. The object of the game is complete as many Fill It In Fitness Cards AND number bonds as possible.
  3. Partners will take turns retrieving a Fill It In Fitness Card from the center hoop. They will bring it back to their hula hoop and BOTH partners will complete the exercise. Students must first figure out the missing number in the sequence. This is the number of repetitions for the exercise.
  4. After the partners complete the exercise, the SAME person will trade in their Fill It In Fitness Card (FACE DOWN in the Fill It In Fitness hula hoop) for 1 domino.
  5. They will bring the domino back to their hula hoop and place it face up on their poly spot.
  6. The partners will work together to COMPOSE (add) the 2 numbers on the
    dominos together to find the total (i.e. 2 + 3 = 5). It may help for you to refer to this as part-part-whole. The domino represents the 2 parts, and the die is the whole.
  7. The partners will use the 12-sided dice to show their answer. They will place the answer face up on the die.
  8. Once the students have the correct answer, the OTHER partner (take turns) will trade in their domino (FACE DOWN in the domino hula hoop) for another Fill It In Fitness Card.
  9. The partners will repeat #’s 3 – 7 until time runs out.

Decomposing (subtracting) number bonds:

  1. Remove the hula hoop with the dominos and the poly spots. Add 1 white board, dry erase marker and eraser to each hula hoop.
  2. Divide the students into partners and send each partner group to a hula hoop with a die.
  3. The object of the game is complete as many Fill It In Fitness Cards AND number bonds as possible.
  4. Partners will take turns retrieving a Fill It In Fitness Card from the center hoop. They will bring it back to their hula hoop and BOTH partners will complete the exercise. Students must first figure out the missing number in the sequence. This is the number of repetitions for the exercise.
  5. After the partners complete the exercise, the SAME person will roll their 12- sided die.
  6. The partners will work together to DECOMPOSE (take apart or subtract) the whole number on the die into 2 parts. Again, it may help students if you refer to this as part-part-whole. The die is the whole and they are trying to figure out the 2 parts. The partners will write the 2 parts OR a number sentence on their white board.
    • If the students write 2 parts on the white board, there may be many possible correct answers (i.e. an 8 on the die could be: 1 and 7, 2 and 6, 3 and 5 or 4 and 4).
    • If the students write a number sentence, it can be either subtraction or addition (i.e. 8 – 5 = 3 OR 5 + 3 = 8). Again, there are multiple correct answers for the number 8 (i.e. 8 – 4 = 4 OR 4 + 4 = 8).
  7. Once the students have a correct answer, the OTHER partner (take turns) will trade in their Fill It In Fitness Card (FACE DOWN) for another Fill It In Fitness Card. While this is happening, the other partner can be erasing the white board.
  8. The partners will repeat #’s 4 – 8 until time runs out.

Rules and Safety:

  • Students will be moving in various directions. Remind students to be aware of their surroundings.
  • Student must keep their die in their hula hoop at ALL times.
  • Remind students to place the dominos and Fill It In Fitness Cards FACE DOWN when they are putting them back into the hula hoops.
  • Students must take turns trading in dominos, rolling the die and trading in Fill It In Fitness Cards.
  • BOTH students must exercise together.


  • Use white boards for both the composing and decomposing version (eliminates the dice)
  • If whole numbers up to 12 are too difficult for the students, choose dominos that only go from #1 – 6 OR use number cards (playing cards or UNO cards #1 – 6). If you play with cards, students must take 2 cards each time from the hula hoop for the 2 parts (part-part-whole).
  • Use Double 12 dominos to increase the math challenge. You will need to only use white boards for this version.
  • Use number cards (playing cards or UNO cards). If you play with cards, students must take 2 cards each time from the hula hoop for the 2 parts (part-part-whole).
  • Use craft sticks to show the answers rather than dice or white boards
  • Incorporate other fitness activities rather than Fill It In Fitness Cards

Posted in Activities

Bone Bananza

Set- Up:


Bone Bananza

Be the first team to assemble a complete skeleton and teach the names and locations of the bones by completing the given challenges.

To be the first team to assemble a complete skeleton and teach the names and locations of the bones by completing the given challenges.

Grade Level: 2-8


How to Play:

  • Students are placed in teams of two or small groups (well behind first level of hoops)
  • 1 member from each team competes against another member from different team starting at red hoop level 1 (Rock-Paper-Scissor challenge)
  • Winner of challenge collects bone for each level and brings back to team, Loser performs given task before returning to team.
  • Students advance a level with each win.
  • With each loss students DO NOT COLLECT a BONE.
  • Losers return to the last level they were at (if cranium collected at first level, then can advance to orange. If all bones collected at orange level then can start at yellow, etc.)
  • Teams/students cannot advance a level until they have collected ALL bones from last level.
  • Once all bones have been collected, they may begin to assemble. Teams may NOT assemble until all bones have been collected.
  • Individual bone pieces will be found off to side of each level inside of a blue hoop

Ideas and inspirations from…
• Justin Cahill @ justybubPE
• Austin Thompson 

Posted in Activities

Toss and Throw BINGO

Set up:


Toss and Throw BINGO

Allows students to work on tossing & throwing for accuracy as well as catching skills and addition!



Toss & Throw Bingo allows students to work on tossing & throwing for accuracy as well as catching skills and addition (specifically decomposing numbers).


Grade Level: K-5




  • Set colored cones and hoops next to each other across one baseline
  • In front of each place index ring of math problems
  • Place three different types of throwing manipulatives of choice in each home hoop
  • Starting just past the half court line use hula hoops to mark the bingo grid 4×4, spread out generously to take up space reaching to almost the opposite baseline
  • Inside of each hoop place a numbered poly spot

Description of Game:

  • Divide students into pairs or small groups and place at one baseline spread out next to cone and hula hoop
  • Students have a pattern card to follow and must attempt to complete by throwing and catching at the appropriate hoop
  • As a successful catch is made, students look down at the number poly spot in the hoop, return to home hoop and mark the box they have caught with a dry erase marker and then remember the number they stood on and each decompose into an addition problem. So if they caught the ball on the number 10, they would each write out a problem that equaled 10 (so 5+5, or 4+6, or 7+3…)
  • Students continue taking turns with tossing/throwing & catching until a pattern is complete and then trade the card in for the next pattern. Pattern cards vary in difficulty.

Posted in Activities