Tagged with 'Emergency Preparedness'

The Opioid Crisis: Be Prepared for the Unexpected


Did you know that over 10 million people abuse prescribed opioids every year? According to the CDC, 1 in 7 high school students report that they have misused opioids at least once in their lifetime. The opioid crisis is a problematic pattern that can affect anyone regardless of race, gender, income level, or social class. Many of these incidents take place in educational settings, which is the one place where children should be safe. This makes it crucial that staff and students know what to do in the event of an overdose, share knowledge, and recognize the warning signs beforehand.

The Importance of Overdose Education in Schools

Detailed and comprehensive training within schools can empower the overall community to respond effectively to an overdose situation. Providing education about the dangers of opioids, along with how to prevent addiction and misuse, is an important initiative that schools can implement during this ongoing epidemic. Evidence-based prevention programs also have the ability to benefit schools by raising awareness and educating the overall school community about these drugs.

  • Both students and staff can learn about the dangers of opioid misuse, how they can mitigate the risks in their environment, and ways to prevent addiction
  • Schools can enforce an emergency plan outlining specific steps to be followed in the event of a drug overdose
  • School communities can offer students support and guidance through addiction or recovery, promoting healthier coping mechanisms

What is Naloxone and Why Should Schools Have It?

Naloxone, also known as Narcan, is a medication used to rapidly reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. It works by binding to the same receptors in the brain that opioids bind to, reversing and blocking the harmful effects that occur during an overdose. It brings the fatal symptoms of an opioid overdose to a halt in a prompt, safe, and efficient manner. Typically administered as a nasal spray, this medication has the potential to restore normal breathing in the individual. Nevertheless, even if someone has received naloxone, they will likely still need professional medical attention to prevent a recurrence of symptoms. It’s important to acknowledge that naloxone only works if the person is suspected to have taken opioids. However, schools nationwide are prioritizing the implementation of it, with the goal of promoting safety and protecting students and staff. The Food and Drug Administration approved Narcan for non-prescription use in March of 2023, meaning that anybody has the ability to purchase it without a doctor's approval. Ever since, schools have been stocking naloxone in case of an emergency.


The Key Points of Naloxone

  • Quick onset – Typically takes 1-5 minutes to restore normal breathing
  • Safety – Not addictive and has low risk for adverse effects
  • Over the counter - Accessible so that it is readily available for the people who need it

There are many steps that schools can take to prepare, prevent, and protect their community from opioid overdose. Overdose action plans should be thorough and involve a combination of education, support, and enforcement. School Health can help you get one step closer to saving a life with our new Naloxone Training Kits and other first aid necessities. Also, don’t forget to check out our recent webinar to learn more about this epidemic and what you can do to create a safer school environment, reducing the risk of opioid overdoses once and for all.







Posted in Emergency Preparedness

Make the Game Safer in a Heartbeat

Do your athletes know the importance of heart health?

October is Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) month. Although athletes are generally healthy, they are not immune to cardiac problems. According to The American Heart Association, The NCAA is moving forward with developing guidelines to detect college athletes at risk for sudden cardiac death, including mandated heart screenings. Due to this, time and early detection are vital when these events occur. This makes it essential for athletes, trainers, coaches, and sports organizations to be proactive when responding to sudden cardiac arrest incidents. Taking preventative measures on and off the field is key to ensuring long term safety, heart health, and peak performance in athletes. 


Triggers of SCA in Athletes:

  • Underlying heart conditions: Physical examinations don’t always detect heart abnormalities, leaving athletes to believe that they are fine, when in fact they may have an underlying heart condition. This can make them more susceptible to SCA, especially in vigorous sports that demand more stress on the heart.
  • Family history: Many athletes may have a family history of heart conditions that they are unaware of, putting them at higher risk.
  • Overtraining syndrome: Sage Journal explains how Athletes who engage in excessive training or exercise without proper rest may develop hormonal imbalances that could disrupt the heart’s function.

Blunt Force Trauma:

Athletes who participate in high-contact sports are at a higher risk of experiencing sudden cardiac arrest due to the physical nature of these activities. Since high school and college sports can be utterly competitive, this is extremely important to acknowledge. When a blow to the chest occurs at just the right time during the cardiac cycle, it has the potential to be fatal. This is something that all athletes and coaches need to consider, since this can happen without any preexisting heart abnormalities.


Remind Your Athletes To:

  • Cardiac evaluations:  Undergo specific cardiac evaluations to identify any underlying heart conditions or risk factors before the season, such as EKGs.
  • Periodic checkups:  Schedule regular checkups with a healthcare provider to assess blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. 
  • Rest if needed: Take a break if needed. Do not ignore symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or heart palpitations – inform the coach or trainer immediately.

SCA Prevention by Athletic Trainers and Coaches:

  • Regular drills and testing: Conduct emergency response drills that involve the use of AEDs and CPR to get coaching staff and all players familiar with using the equipment.
  • Maintenance and inspection of AEDS: Evaluate all AED units and accessories, verify that they are strategically placed throughout the facility, and replace batteries when needed.
  • Hydration and recovery: Ensure players are hydrated by allowing regular water breaks to prevent dehydration or heat-related illnesses.

Stay Prepared:

SCA does strike without warning among athletes. However, there are tactics that sports facilities, coaches and athletes can focus on to minimize these risks, but they must work as a team. Staying prepared and informed about heart health is an important thing to do – this month, and every month. 

School Heath offers AEDS, AED accessories, CPR training kits, hydration products, and more to support the health and safety of your school athletic program.










Posted in AED, Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Athletics

USSA MESS Course Prepares Sports Medicine Professionals for More Challenging Work

USSA MESS Course Prepares Sports Medicine Professions for More Challenging Work

Those in the Sports Medicine profession, especially those that deal with snow-related activities, know that it’s more than ankle tape, cuts, and bruises when caring for athletes. Injuries can get real and intense in a blink. We know that practice makes perfect, and this readiness and preparation is no different. This past May, the Medical Emergencies in Skiing and Snowboarding course (MESS) provided education and skill development for the those in the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Medical Pool. During this course, participants learned about acute injury triage and illness commonly seen when traveling with elite level teams. Even in the summertime, this course, developed for PTs, ATs, MDs, and POs, offered unique insight into how to assist athletes who play winter sports.

Dr. Jaron Santelli, the Sports Medicine Director at the United States Ski and Snowboarding Association (USSA), was one of the leaders of this course.

“Standing on the side of the hill and working in cold environments is different than responding to an injury on a basketball court or a football field,” Santelli said. “Since we have a variety of specialties, there are different skill sets, so this is a way to upscale the providers with the skill we need them to know.”

The MESS course is specifically designed for professional volunteer staff and provides a Continuing Medical Education (CME) for physicians and medical providers, which is a requirement to join this medical pool.

Santelli shares a passion for sports, athletes, and their safety. Her experience and education as an emergency medicine doctor provides important insight for properly responding to emergencies on the slopes.

“I went to medical school with the intention to be in sports medicine. I have been around sports and snowboarding my whole life from Division I to the professional level. When the USSA job was available, I saw an opportunity to give back to a community that has always been there for me.”

Skiing and Snowboarding are individual sports, so USSA athletes are always working towards accomplishing challenging individual goals, which makes the day-to-day and culture a bit different than if they were playing a team sport.

“We have numerous sports within USSA, so we are always dealing with different cultures, athlete population, and ages,” Santelli said. “These athletes are true craftsmen and professionals in their field and there is something special about watching them work towards something like the Olympics.”

School Health was a sponsor of the MESS course and has a growing relationship with USSA as they work together to make sure the athletes are receiving quality treatment with the best equipment possible.

“School health has provided not only support in coverage, but also, they provide a lot of our medical equipment. They are always generous in terms of donations and improvements in our products. We look forward to this continued partnership and increasing that partnership in the future.”

School Health provides these items to keep USSA well equipped:

·        Pocket BVM with Black Case

·        Aer Cervical Collar

·        Fasplint Vacuum Extremity Splints

·        Fasplint Fullbody Mattress Set

·        5.11 Tactical Emergency Ready Pouch and Bag

The USSA hosts the MESS course in January of next year. Check back here for updates.

Posted in Athletics

Preparedness: Don’t delay, do it today!

Gabriel Ryan, School Health Blog Writer and Contributor

September is National Preparedness Month. Launched in 2004, this is an outreach campaign sponsored and managed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Additionally, in August 2022, the White House issued a proclamation recognizing September as Preparedness Month. The goal is to educate and empower Americans throughout the year to prepare for and respond to emergencies and disasters. National Preparedness Month ends on September 30th, which is National Preparedness Day.

What does preparedness month mean to you? Do you already have a plan for a disaster or emergency?

The United States Ready Campaign includes a section for, “Individuals with Disabilities,” which describes its program as a national public service campaign to educate and empower people to prepare for emergencies. Their webpage includes helpful tips for those with a variety of disabilities, such as; mobility, vision, speech, intellectual disabilities, etc. This campaign encourages individuals to do four key things in order to be better prepared:

As a person that uses a wheelchair, I have thought a lot about preparing for different types of emergencies. What would I do first and how would I get to safety? I’ve tried to educate myself by attending seminars and reviewing information on disaster preparedness with a focus on persons with a disability, such as those sponsored by our state Office of Emergency Services (OES). This OES in California has established the Office of Access and Functional Needs (OAFN) within the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. Their goal is to identify the needs of individuals with disabilities and others with access or functional needs before, during, and after disasters and to integrate them into the State’s emergency management systems. They have established an interactive emergency management tool map, which may guide individuals to resources during a disaster or emergency. Programs like Listos California have offered webinars that are simple to follow and provides resources available in over 20 languages. To find local official agencies and resources for your region, you can visit the FEMA: Search Your Location webpage.

I recently added a new item to my emergency essentials. I had a few experiences where I had to evacuate a building on a moment’s notice due to an emergency. One of those times was at a hotel in the middle of the night and another was during a doctor appointment. Luckily, in both situations, I was on the ground floor and was able to find an exit that did not have any steps to fully access the door leading outside. I have also had experiences where I have been stuck in an enclosed, accessible platform lift and/or situations where nobody was available with a key to operate the lift. These types of scenarios got me thinking, is there something I can carry with me that could help in these situations?

In doing some research, I discovered the perfect tool for me – a personal transport sling. This is a lightweight, compact sling, with multiple handles, that can be used to carry someone with mobility impairments to safety. There are a few varieties on the market, such as the Tuk-'n-kari Transfer Sling, or the one I tried, which is the ADAPTS portable transfer sling. These slings can not only be used for emergency transport, but in everyday use, such as transferring to a dentist/physician exam chair or a manual transfer versus using a mechanical lift.

Check out this demonstration video where I try out a portable transfer sling to go up and down some stairs. Having an item like this in my backpack is just one more way I can be prepared in the event of an emergency or a situation where I am in an area that my wheelchair is not able to go.

In doing some research, I discovered the perfect tool for me – a personal transport sling. This is a lightweight, compact sling, with multiple handles, that can be used to carry someone with mobility impairments to safety. There are a few varieties on the market, such as the Tuk-'n-kari Transfer Sling, or the one I tried, which is the ADAPTS portable transfer sling. These slings can not only be used for emergency transport, but in everyday use, such as transferring to a dentist/physician exam chair or a manual transfer versus using a mechanical lift.

Check out this demonstration video where I try out a portable transfer sling to go up and down some stairs. Having an item like this in my backpack is just one more way I can be prepared in the event of an emergency or a situation where I am in an area that my wheelchair is not able to go.

A portable transport sling would be a great addition to businesses and schools that already provide evacuation chairs. Transport slings would complement evacuation chairs, usually located in stairwells, as they fold up to the size of a piece of paper, weigh about one pound, and ensure multiple people have access to quickly get to safety. These could be located in strategic spots in classrooms and offices, issued to students/adults with mobility needs, and could also be included as part of first aid and safety kits on sports fields.

What is one item that you can add to your emergency essentials? Don’t delay, do it today!

For additional School Health resources related to preparing for disasters and emergencies, visit the School Safety Center web page to read the safety blog and access related products.


“Better to have, and not need, than to need, and not have” ~ Franz Kafka

Posted in Special Education and Access Angle Segment

What Should You do in a Heat Illness Emergency?


During periods of training and conditioning, such as the fall pre-season, instances of heat-related illnesses and emergencies in student-athletes increase. Over the summer, periods of intense heat cause concern not only for sports teams, but also for those who do not use proper protection from the heat and the sun. According to Cleveland Clinic, statistics about student-athletes say that around 9,000 cases of heat-related illnesses occur per year. In football, these cases are 11.4 times higher than all other sports combined. It is important to be aware of the causes and symptoms of heat-related illness and stay prepared in case of an emergency.

According to the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA), the most common definition of heat illness includes three categories: heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. However, there are also other classifications of heat illness, such as heat syncope.

Depending on the type of heat illness, symptoms may vary, but some indicators include:

  •  High body temperature (above 105 degrees Fahrenheit)
  •  Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Heavy sweating
  • Cold, pale, and clammy skin
  • Fainting

What to do in an Emergency

Emergencies can and do happen, so having the proper plan in place is essential to prevent further harm or injury to an athlete. The first step is to recognize that the athlete is suffering from exertional heat illness. NATA states that a rectal thermometer is the only way to get a fast and accurate measurement of an athlete’s core body temperature. A temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit or above is an indicator of an emergency.

NATA also recommends the “cool first, transport second” method, meaning that if an athlete’s core body temperature is 105 degrees or more, sports staff must get the player’s temperature down to 102.5 degrees before they can be taken to a hospital. NATA says that the best way to quickly cool down the athlete is through a full-body cold water emersion. Cooling tubs or other water immersion devices are essential for this process. 

After a heat-related emergency occurs, athletes should work with their physicians to create a plan that will allow them to safely return to their sport.


Preventing a Heat-Related Emergency

Luckily, heat-related emergencies are highly preventable if the proper training and procedures are followed.

One of the best ways to reduce the risk of illness is through heat acclimation. In other words, allow your athletes to get used to the heat by slowly increasing the amount of outdoor exercise. It’s also important to monitor the temperature and humidity outside, pay attention to how long athletes are playing and practicing, and allow them to take a break or rest.

Athletic Trainers, Athletic Directors, and sports staff should always make sure that there are plenty of hydration options for their athletes as well. Ensuring that athletes are staying hydrated before, during, and after practices and events is key. Athletes can also enhance their performance and reduce the risk of illness by getting the proper amount of sleep and eating a balanced diet.

If you are looking for the right heat illness prevention equipment for your sports medicine program, School Health can help you find everything you need to keep your athletes safe. Contact us today!











Posted in Emergency Preparedness and Athletics