Pocket BVM with Black Case

The Pocket BVM (Bag Valve Mask) is a hand-held disposable device for manual resuscitation and emergency respiratory support for adult patients.

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Product Description
It is ideal in either emergency or clinical settings and replaces any standard BVM combining all components and operational capabilities into one compact unit.
  • The Pocket BVM is easy to use and prevents operational fatigue.
  • Requires minimum pressure to be compressed and, due to its design, quickly recovers its shape.
  • Delivered Oxygen Concentration: 55% (at 2 L/min) to 100% (at 8 L/min).
  • Resuscitator Volume: 1600 ml. Bag Reservoir Volume: 2600 ml.
  • This device is designed for one-time patient use
  • BVM can be re-used for training purposes
Brand Persys
Assembly Required No
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Choking Hazard No
Sterile No

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