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Ordering Instructions
Please specify your AEPA Contract Number 022-B and SH Quote number 3967885 when speaking with your representative.
Make sure you are logged in with your school email address to see your discounted pricing online.
Contact Information
For more information on the AEPA agreement, contact:
- Nita Werner
AEPA Contract Administrator
For questions about School Health, contact:
- Jennifer Lovell
National Contract Manager
Phone: 630-339-7993
- Stephanie Spencer
National Contracts Administrator
Phone: 630-339-7950
Welcome AEPA Members
AEPA has awarded School Health Corporation national consortium contract #022-B for Medical Supplies and Equipment.
AEPA members must have a login (school email address) and password to access discounted pricing. Contact us for help getting started.
The Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA) is a national cooperative of education purchasing professionals representing lead agencies in their respective states. Currently, AEPA consists of 29 member states who craft contracts and bids competitively that are tailored to meet each state’s specific legal requirements.
Order Information
AEPA members receive the following benefits from our site:
- Deep discounts on our most popular items
- 13% off all other items on the site (limited exclusions apply)
- Free shipping on orders over $125.00
- Friendly and professional customer service