Welcome to the School Health Learning Center!

Here you can find our latest blog posts, webinars, white papers and case studies. We hope these tools and resources provide you with educational content you can use to better support the health of your students.

Looking at Mental and Physical Health for our Exceptional Individuals

This entry was posted on May 13, 2020 by School Health.

By Raymond T. Heipp. Ph.D.

As we look ahead toward the re-opening of school buildings and a return to face-to-face education, we will begin to see additional activities like forehead scans for fever, hand sanitizer or washing hands requirements, and the wearing of masks. While those will be important as we seek to regain healthy physical environments, we cannot forget what lies behind those masks; the individual and their mental health!


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Working with Our Exceptional Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic

This entry was posted on March 24, 2020 by School Health.

By Raymond T. Heipp. Ph.D.

In 1951, a short story appeared in a children’s magazine, Boys and Girls Page, called, “The Fun They Had.” It was written by an author named Isaac Asimov who would later become one of the most distinguished science fiction writers of the 20th century. The premise of the story was that by the year 2157, all schooling would be done in the homes by computerized teachers. The young protagonists of the story find a real book in their attic and begin to wonder about what it must have been like to attend school with other students. Almost seventy years later, the idea of schooling done at home through a computer has come to the forefront due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


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What’s So Funny About…A Crisis? Humor to Distract, Relate, Reframe & Refuel

Discover how to harness humor to distract, relate, reframe and refuel to empower yourself and those in your care.

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Without Warning: SCA and Emergency Response with Ruqayya Gibson

In this webinar, we discuss the importance of having the proper protocols and procedures in your facility to prevent your students from becoming another devastating statistic.

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White Papers/Case Studies

Pinellas Case Study

Pinellas County Schools leverage local state legislation to help save vision for students.

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Silverstein Study

Is instrument-based screening a reliable and accurate solution for detecting vision problems in children?

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5 Ways New Technology Can Improve Vision Screening at Your School

Fast, comprehensive, and easy to use: here are the top 5 ways the Spot® Vision Screener can help improve screenings at your school!

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