FIVE FOR LIFE® Nutrition Program

The Nutrition Handbook includes informational text about nutrition and 25 activities that integrate nutrition concepts into movement. It can be used alone or as part of a comprehensive program along with our Nutrition Cards, InfoCube, and InfoCube Cards.
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Product Description

The emphasis of the 25 included activities is to teach students that food is used for energy, growth, and health. When students understand nutritional concepts, they can make informed decisions that lead to a healthy lifestyle. Program is available in multiple formats, including printed hard copy, digital e-curriculum, and a printed/digital bundle.

All activities include:

  • Clear, measurable student objectives
  • Background information and step by step directions
  • Equipment needed for the activity
  • Detailed diagram on how to set up the activity
  • Formative assessment to understand student knowledge after the activity

The Nutrition Kit includes the Nutrition Activity Handbook in your choice of hardcopy, digital format, or bundle hardcopy & digital format; 144 Laminated Nutrition Cards; InfoCube; and 40 InfoCube Cards.

Nutrition Cards include detailed nutrition information (serving size, calories, macronutrients, vitamins, minerals) and images for a variety of foods in all food groups, oils and empty calories/fats/sweets. Students will learn sensible food choices, how to categorize foods, the energy content of foods, food label literacy, recommended daily amounts (RDAs), the role of macronutrients and micronutrients, and how nutrition links to body systems.

InfoCube cards are designed to slide into the 6 pockets of the InfoCube. They come in categories which include Intensity Levels, Fitness Components, Food Groups, Macronutrients, Exercises, and Vitamins and Minerals. Choose from a kit (one cube and 40 cards), a 3-pack of cubes, or a set of 40 cards.

If you would like to speak with a curriculum expert about building a custom program to meet your specific program needs, please contact us at the link below. We also offer powerful online learning tools aligned to National SHAPE standards, program training, and professional development.

Click here to be put in contact with a curriculum specialist.

Nutrition Handbook – Digital Format (only)

This product is accessible in digital format only. No physical product will be shipped.

Assembly Required No
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