Improving Hearing Screenings in Educational Settings

Join Audiologist, Dr. Carrie Browning, Coordinator for Sumner County Coordinated School Health, Janel Garrett, and Hearing, Vision, and EHR Specialist, Maryellen O'Keefe-Smith, as they answer your questions on how to make your hearing screening process thorough and efficient.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to improve your hearing screening process
  • How to implement real world actions into your screening program
  • Individualized ways to handle various screening situations

  • Meet the Presenters:

    Dr. Carrie Browning, Audiologist

    Dr. Browning is a licensed Audiologist with over 20 years of experience in clinical practice, and network provider relations. For the past nine years, she has been a Product Manager for MAICO Diagnostics. Carrie is also a member of the American Academy of Audiology and holds a MN Audiology license.

    Janel Garrett

    Janel has been coordinating health strategies in schools for over 15 years. Janel's current position as Coordinator for Sumner County Coordinated School Health allows her to oversee and facilitate screenings for over 50 schools, hundreds of staff, and thousands of students.

    Maryellen O'Keefe-Smith

    Maryellen is the Vision, Hearing, and Electronic Health Records (EHR) Senior Specialist at School Health. Her career spans over 20 years with experience among healthcare professionals. She is an expert in the use of Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs), Audiometers, Tympanometers, Otoscopes, Vision Screeners, and Ophthalmoscopes.