Kay Nottingham Pediatric Vision Screening Training and Consulting

P. Kay Nottingham Chaplin, Ed.D.P. Kay Nottingham Chaplin, Ed.D.

P. Kay Nottingham Chaplin, EdD Director, Vision and Eye Health Initiatives
The Good-Lite Company AND School Health Corporation


P. Kay Nottingham Chaplin, EdD, helped Geoffrey E. Bradford, MD, Pediatric Ophthalmologist at West Virginia University (WVU) Eye Institute, to create the Vision Initiative for Children, a program that trained and equipped individuals to screen the vision of preschoolers.

Between Valentine’s Day 2001 and Halloween 2008, Dr. Chaplin directed the program, conducted 178 workshops, and trained more than 1,600 individuals, including pediatricians, pediatric primary care staff, school nurses, and Head Start staff members, to screen the vision of preschoolers. While working at WVU, she also consulted about preschool vision screening for The Good-Lite Company. When the program was unable to secure additional grant funds, Good-Lite employed Dr. Chaplin as Director of Vision and Eye Health Initiatives at Good-Lite and School Health Corporation.

Dr. Chaplin is a:

  • Member of the national Expert Advisory Committee and Education Subcommittee to the National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health, an initiative housed at Prevent Blindness America, tasked to implement recommendations of the National Expert Panel for a universal preschool vision screening strategy, to develop a vision screening training and certification program, and to contribute to stakeholder education.
  • Member of the Vision Care Section of the American Public Health Association.
  • Member of the West Virginia School-Based Health Assembly’s School Health and Medical Service Team.
  • Member of the Vision Screening Committee of the American Association of Certified Orthoptists.

Dr. Chaplin has lectured, trained, and consulted at more than 100 national, state, and local venues, including conferences for the:

  • National Association of School Nurses.
  • National Head Start Association.
  • National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners.
  • Society for Physician Assistants in Pediatrics.
  • National Assembly on School-Based Health Care.

As a hobby, Dr. Chaplin assists with vision screening as often as possible and studies eye chart history and design.


BS: Journalism, News/Editorial, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV; 1978

MA: Early Intervention Special Education, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV; 1998

EdD: Special Education, WVU, Morgantown, WV; May 2006


Nottingham Chaplin, P. K., & Bradford, G. E. (2011). A historical review of distance vision screening eye charts: What to toss, what to keep, and what to replace. NASN School Nurse, 26(4), 221-228. http://nas.sagepub.com/content/26/4/221.abstract

Nottingham Chaplin, P. K., & Bradford, G. E. (2011). Eye Charts 102: Challenges with current recommended eye charts. Visibility: Education and Research From Envision, 5(2), 1, and 3-6.

Nottingham Chaplin, P. K. (2011). Eye charts 101: Stars, sailboats, and sewing women. Visibility: Education and Research From Envision, 5(1), 6-9.

Nottingham Chaplin, P. K. (2010, Summer). Preschool vision screening: Value-added service for parents, important health screen for preschoolers. NACCP Professionals Connections, 13(63), 8-9 and 15-16.

Hartmann, E. E., Bradford, G. E., Chaplin, P. K., Johnson, T., Kemper, A. R., Kim, S., et al. (2006). Project universal preschool vision screening: A demonstration project [Abstract]. Journal of Pediatrics, 117(2), e226-237.

Nottingham Chaplin, P. K., & Bradford, G. E. (2005, Summer). Child care providers to learn how to screen the vision of preschoolers this summer. West Virginia Early Childhood Provider Quarterly, (6)3, 25.

Nottingham Chaplin, P. K., & Bradford, G. E. (2004, March). Partnering with Head Start to protect the vision of preschoolers in West Virginia. WVHSA Newsletter, 4(3), p. 2.

Bradford, G. E. & Nottingham Chaplin, P. K. (2003). Vision screening guidelines: Birth to 21 years. Unpublished manuscript for West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, West Virginia University.

Nottingham Chaplin, P. K. & Bradford, G. E. (2003). Mobilizing West Virginia Preschool Vision Screening, West Virginia Early Childhood Provider Quarterly, 4(2), 23-25.


  • Help create, review, or modify your vision screening program.
  • Lecture at your state or regional conference.


  • Describes 6 similar national and international guidelines to standardize eye charts;
  • Illustrates and describes 6 distance eye charts recommended in a national consensus policy statement, as well as the pros and cons of those eye charts, even the "Snellen" chart;
  • Describes eye chart designs to avoid even when those eye charts contain appropriate optotypes; and
  • Answers more than 20 questions often asked from front-line screeners.


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You can also call us at 866-323-5465 or send an email to vis...@schoolhealth.com. 

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