Legal Resources for School Health Services, 2nd Edition

This valuable resource is an evidence-based time-saving reference that addresses 60 legal issues impacting the delivery of health services in the K-12 school environment. It also provides guidance for regulatory compliance—as well as defining the issue and responsibilities of school health providers and administrators

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Product Description

Legal Resource for School Health Services is a reference that will support school nurse and school health practice, enhance care to children, and provide guidance to protect the school and school nurse. 

  • Over 50 topics including information on federal laws, compliance, medication administration, professional licensure and malpractice, minor rights, mental health and much more.
  • Over 70 authors including school nurse experts and education and nurse attorneys.
  • Each chapter is evidence based and peer reviewed by both school nurse and content experts and attorneys.
  • Responds to questions submitted by school nurses and school administrators.

The six comprehensive sections of this book include:

School Nurse Practice Issues addressing professional licensure and malpractice liability, delegation, supervision of school nurses, and documentation, among others.

Laws/Policy includes information on HIPPAA/FERPA, Section 504/IDEA, minors’ rights, legal proceedings, and refusal, non-compliance, and non-responsiveness regarding health issues, among others.

Nursing Care explores the legal implications of the care provided by school nurses on topics such as chronic health conditions, diabetes, examination of children in the school setting, lice, and life-threatening emergencies.

Nursing Coordination covers the health issues school health services’ program manager; among them are marijuana use in schools, medication administration, mental health challenges, private duty nurse care, and service animals. 

Staff Services section addresses provision of staff services, school staff training, employment issues, and conflict resolution.

Lastly, the book addresses issues that go Beyond the Public School Walls – before, after, and extended school year programs, school sponsored field trips, private and parochial schools and others.

This highly anticipated, comprehensive reference addresses the legal issues impacting school nurses, school administrators, school attorneys and school boards.

Height 1.5
Width 8.5
Length 11
Assembly Required No
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