We've Moved
Our phone number did not change, but please make note of our new address:
5600 Apollo Drive
Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008
We have resumed regular shipping activity and will ship your order to you as soon as possible. If you have an urgent request, please contact customer service at Customer Service or 866-323-5465.
Our new LEED certified space is designed to benefit you:
- A new, state of the art conveyor system, with built-in automation allows your orders to be processed even faster.
- An expanded warehouse allows more products to be stocked and available for immediate shipment to you.
Our Service Center is ready to calibrate and repair your equipment!
Its hours are 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Our remittance address remains the same:
School Health Corporation
6764 Eagle Way
Chicago, IL 60678-1067