A Comprehensive eCurriculum for Lifelong Health

The Five for Life® K-5 Program is a comprehensive and evidence-based PE curriculum. This curriculum delivers developmentally appropriate fitness, health, nutrition, motor, and social emotional learning skills and concepts through activity-based lessons that blend into a traditional physical education program. 

The Five for Life® K-5 Program is aligned to SHAPE America’s National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for Physical Education. Students learn how to identify emotions in themselves and others while using healthy coping strategies to deal with difficult situations. Students will acquire the skills to acknowledge and value diversity and understand the similarities and differences among individuals as they learn to work together.

With the Five for Life Program you can:

  • Teach the five components of health-related fitness.
  • Utilize ready-to-use lesson plans and an expansive teacher resource section.
  • Help every student learn crucial social and emotional learning skills.
  • Easily access all components of the eCurriculum via our user-friendly online platform.

The Five for Life Program includes:

  • Full access to our online eCurriculum including slide decks that guide students in the learning outcomes.
  • Ready-to-use lesson plans that can be used to supplement or teach with existing lessons.
  • 141 lessons that include unit goals, student objectives, set-up images, step-by-step activity directions, formative and summative assessments, and instructional materials.
  • An expansive teacher resource section with sample curriculum maps, lesson plans, and detailed explanations for easy implementation.
  • Over 75 print-on-demand teacher instructional resources such as intensity level cards, station signs, SMART goal placements, and many more.

Want to learn more? Check out these samples below!

Health and Physical Education consultationHealth and Physical Education consultation

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