GSRT: Gray Silent Reading Test

The GSRT provides information about strengths and weaknesses in reading.
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Product Description

Ages: 7 through 25
Testing Time: 15 - 30 minutes
Administration: individual or group

Provides a quick and efficient measure an individual's silent reading comprehension ability. Test consists of two parallel forms each containing 13 developmentally sequenced reading passages with five multiple-choice questions. Each form of the test yields raw scores, grade equivalents, percentiles, and a Silent Reading Quotient. The two forms allow assessment of individual reading progress over time.

Results may be used to identify individuals whose scores are significantly below those of their peers and who might need additional assessment and intervention designed to improve reading comprehension; to determine areas of relative strength and weakness across reading comprehension; to document overall progress in reading development as a consequence of intervention programs; and to serve as a measure for research efforts designed to investigate reading comprehension. Use GRST with confidence in a variety of settings, including elementary and secondary school, clinics, reading centers, and post-secondary environments.

Complete Kit includes Manual, 25 Profile/Response Forms, and 10 each of Reading Book Forms A and B, all in a sturdy storage box.

Assembly Required No
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