On-Demand Educational Webinars from School Health
Are you Ready to Save a Life? Cardiac Emergency Preparedness in Schools
Join Dr. Heather Baker (EdD), a Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivor, Elementary School Principal, and Mom to a 1.5 year old son with a congenital heart defect, for this new webinar to learn how you can keep your schools prepared in case of a sudden cardiac arrest emergency.
Stop the Bleed by Preventing the Bleed
Join FBI veteran, active shooter instructor, and founder of ThreatZero, Douglas S. Hart, and our Emergency Preparedness Specialist and former firefighter and paramedic, Vince Pesavento, as they discuss how to avert violent acts against schools.
Improving Hearing Screenings in Educational Settings
Join Audiologist, Dr. Carrie Browning, Coordinator for Sumner County Coordinated School Health, Janel Garrett, and Hearing, Vision, and EHR Specialist, Maryellen O'Keefe-Smith, as they answer your questions on how to make your hearing screening process thorough and efficient.
Treating an Opioid Overdose with OTC Narcan
Narcan is now available over-the-counter (OTC). Outfit your school's emergency kit to prevent a drug overdose with an easily accessible and easily administrable way to counter an opioid overdose.
School Sports Safety: How to Protect Athletes from Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Preventing sudden cardiac arrest in young athletes requires a combination of awareness, education, screening, and preparedness. Evan Ernst and Shawn Sima, from Who We Play For, will educate us on their mission to eliminate preventable sudden cardiac death through ECG heart screenings in youth athletes. They will also review new legislation and the importance of AEDs at sporting events and in schools.
What is a school nurse EHR? And why every nurse needs one.
Join Registered Nurse, Doris Thayer, and Strategic Account Executive, Christine Drucker, in a discussion on true electronic health record (EHR) systems, how they can benefit your school, and how to request an EHR system for your facility.
Public Access Bleeding Control: What You Need to Know
Accidents and emergencies can happen anywhere, at anytime. Former firefighter and paramedic, Chris Hoyer can tell you the difference that being prepared makes when saving a life. Bleeding control kits can help treat students and staff during an emergency at a school.
Athletes and Athletic Trainers a Conversation with Olympic Silver Medalist Chris Mazdzer
Join Olympic Silver Medalist, Chris Mazdzer as he works to empower Athletic Trainers by sharing stories of how meaningful and life changing their work has been in his athletic career, which has spanned over 20 years and four Olympic games.
During the presentation, Chris will discuss the ways an athlete's mentality and drive are a direct reflection of the trust that they have in their team, and how Athletic Trainers play a major role in creating a close and trustworthy team environment. He will also discuss bumps in the road that many athletes experience during injuries, and how a good partnership between an athlete and an athletic trainer is key to getting back on track and ready for competition.
Help Your Students Change the Culture and Become a Heart Safe School
Join School Health, teacher Tonya Aerts, and Play for Jake Foundation’s Julie West to learn the story of how a high school teacher and her students connected with a grieving mother to help change the culture in schools nationwide. After two tragedies in their community, they worked together to raise awareness, and change policies on how we currently prepare for SCA in schools.During this presentation you will learn how you can create an environment where your students have an active voice on how your school evaluates their readiness for a cardiac emergency. You will also gain awareness about what is not a requirement for schools, educators, and coaches.
Real Life Hearing, Vision, and Vital Signs Screening Scenarios
Fine tune your screening processes, and learn how to get the most accurate readings with your equipment by discussing real-life scenarios and how they can affect results.
Strategies for Integrating Lay Rescuers into your School Emergency Plan
Medical emergencies happen every day, all over the world. Having trained professionals available on-demand to immediately assess and treat patients would be an optimal, but largely impractical expectation.
Tools to Advocate for Health and PE Funding
Learn how you can leverage available funding in your school district to support health and PE programs, and help your students live healthier lives!
Selfcare for Healthcare with LeAnn Thieman
Find balance in your life and take the time to think about your own wellbeing and health as you continue to care for your students and staff! In this webinar, LeAnn will share her tips from her book, "SelfCare for HealthCare" and teach you how you can reach your self care goals.
Hearing & Vision Screenings – Struggling to Catch Up?
Unexpected transitions to remote learning may have interrupted screening schedules for individual students, as well as whole grade levels. Join us to learn tips and tricks that can help you speed up your process for vision and hearing screening.
What’s So Funny About… A Crisis? Humor to Distract, Relate, Reframe & Refuel
Discover how to harness humor to distract, relate, reframe and refuel to empower yourself and those in your care.
Without Warning: SCA and Emergency Response with Ruqayya Gibson
In this webinar, we discuss the importance of having the proper protocols and procedures in your facility to prevent your students from becoming another devastating statistic.
What’s Next? A Year Later – Pandemic Procedures and Protocols
From masks to temperature screenings, we’ll address how the introduction of a vaccine has impacted safety protocols, and how schools are adapting and reopening.
Integrating Lay Rescuers into the Plan for School Emergencies
Medical emergencies happen every day, all over the world. Having trained professionals available on-demand to immediately assess and treat patients would be an optimal, but largely impractical expectation.
Identifying and Fixing 'Holes’ in Academic and Functional Skills
In this webinar, Assistive Technology professionals and National Board Certified Teachers Tiffany Massie and Sheryl Hazelbaker join us to discuss how to identify and fix 'holes' in academic and functional skills.
Meeting Challenges of Vision Screening During COVID-19
This webinar will be a review of how a Head Start program in upstate New York used the Welch Allyn Spot® Vision Screener to complete their vision screening during a very challenging year.
Teaching Work Based Learning at Home and in the Classroom
In this webinar, Special Education Teacher, Holly Myers will discuss how she uses Project Discovery, a job-ready compliant transition plan, to successfully address the needs of all students and facilitate authentic work-based learning.
SCA Straight Talk: Saving Our Students - One Heart at a Time
Sudden Cardiac Arrest is the #1 killer of student athletes and the leading cause of death on school campuses. During this webinar, we will discuss important programs and protocols that can help to prevent your students from becoming another devastating statistic.
Using the SNAP Health Center During the COVID-19 Crisis
SNAP Health Center contains critical built-in monitoring and notification features that School Nurses need in their electronic health records (EHR) to manage the health and safety of the student population during and after the COVID-19 crisis.
Meeting Students Where They Are: Trauma Informed Approaches in Post Pandemic Schools
In this webinar, we will begin with a review of the impact of childhood adversity – including the collective trauma associated with the COVID-19 pandemic – on learning and development.
Oxygen Delivery in Life Threatening Medical Emergencies
In this webinar, you will learn about how Rapid Oxygen's R15 emergency oxygen device augments emergency response to put the "P" back in CPR!
Vision Screening Tools for Children From Birth to Age 3
In this webinar, you will learn about vision screening tools for children aged birth to 3 years, as well as resources to support parent education about children’s vision and accessing eye care.
Bleeding Control: When Time & Resources are Not on Your Side
This webinar is designed to help you “Stop the Bleed” as you learn about the contents of your bleeding control kits contents and how to use them. We will cover the proper application and use of gloves, tourniquets, trauma shears, gauze, pressure wraps, and more!
Financial Strategies for Planning Your Vision Screening Program
As we consider ways to keep students' health and wellness in mind during these challenging COVID-19 times, we have worked to gather resources to support you with creative financial strategies to help you get ready for vision screenings this fall.
Learn and Play from Home - Ways to Encourage Home Learning with Sensory and Play Activities
Find out creative ways to encourage learning at home! Join Raveena Kingra, a school occupational therapist, who will take you through different strategies to provide a comprehensive learning experience!
Hearing Screenings for Children Aged 0-5 Years
Get to know the how and why of hearing screening for early childhood (ages 0-5 years). This webinar will go through the hearing screening methods available and discuss specific tests and methods that are most appropriate for this age group in order to obtain reliable results.
School Nursing: A Comprehensive Text
In this webinar, we discuss topics from the book School Nursing: A Comprehensive Text which covers everything you wanted to know about school nursing... And more!
I Didn't Know That! Important Facts About SCA and AEDs
Join School Health and Cardiac Science for this informative, emotional, and enlightening presentation about the importance of being "Rescue Ready" if a Sudden Cardiac Arrest event occurs in your school.
Beyond Lockdown – Stop the Bleed
In trauma-related emergencies, the top cause of preventable death is bleeding. Twenty percent of people who have died from traumatic injuries could have survived with proper bleeding control. This webinar is designed to help you “Stop the Bleed” by learning how to recognize life-threatening blood loss, how to stop it and how to get victims the emergency medical help they need quickly.
Are You Prepared? Help Keep Your School Safe from SCA Fatalities
Audience Favorite! Don’t miss this informative, emotional and compelling presentation about the importance of being “Rescue Ready” if a Sudden Cardiac Arrest event occurs in your school.
An Overview on Pure Tone and OAE Hearing Screening(PCS)
This webinar is designed to help you increase your knowledge of hearing screening. Hearing screening best practices will weaved in throughout the course. Topics covered will include: hearing pathway anatomy, types of hearing tests (and when to use them), how to conduct a proper audiometry test, and how to conduct a proper OAE test.
Meet Pinellas County Schools (PCS)
Their mission was to comply with state guidelines for vision screening and help identify students who needed correction.
In this webinar, Mary Ellen Barkman will discuss how PCS prepares each of their students for the future by reducing undiagnosed vision disorders, improving sight and preventing blindness. You will also learn how a large percentage of students covered by Medicaid allowed PCS to ensure that students who were referred had the means to be seen by an eye care specialist and receive glasses, if necessary.
What's the Difference Between Photo Screening and Visual Acuity Measurement?
In this webinar, Dr. Evan Silverstein will discuss the ways that each method of vision screening can be beneficial for children older than 5-years-old.
You'll also learn the differences in referral criteria with instruments versus eye charts in school-aged children, how photo screening can increase your screening efficiency and outcomes, and how using an instrument in your screening program can extend your ability to identify a larger number of children in need of visual intervention.
Instrument-Based Vision Screening for School Nurses, Head Starts and Vision Screening Organizations
The first in our Ask the Experts webinar series, in which Ryan Raymond, Manager of Vision Care Marketing for Welch Allyn’s Spot™ Vision Screener, and Chelsea Elliot, Executive Director of the half Helen Foundation, discussed the ways Spot can help school nurses make vision screening exams faster and more comprehensive.
Are You Prepared? Help Keep Your School Safe from SCA Fatalities
Join School Health and Cardiac Science for this informative, emotional and compelling presentation about the importance of being "Rescue Ready" if a Sudden Cardiac Arrest event occurs in your school. Our presenter, Shawn Sima, will share his personal experience with SCA and what he's doing to keep schools safe from SCA fatalities.
Ensure Your School's AED Program is Compliant with Act 35
Ensure Your School's AED Program is Compliant with Act 35 (Pennsylvania).
Join Chip Miller as he discusses managing your AED's and response programs correctly under Act 35 of 2014.
Evidence-Based Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Schools
A 2-Part Series on Evidence-Based Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Schools (Pennsylvania).
Join Yatao Liu as he discusses the fundamentals of infections in schools and the importance of surface hygiene.
Part 1: 1h 55m
Part 2: 1h 54m
Seeing Eye to Eye with New Vision Screening Requirements
Seeing Eye to Eye with New Vision Screening Requirements (California)
Join Pamela Kahn, RN, MPH; Sandra S. Block, OD, M Ed, FAAO, FCOVD; and Dr. P. Kay Nottingham Chaplin, Ed.D as they talk about California's new vision guildlines AB 1840 and SB 1172.
1h 2m
It Can't Be Left to Chance - Ensuring Your AEDs Are Ready at a Moment's Notice
Join Tricia Taylor-Hoff, Manager of Rescue Ready AED Management Service at Cardiac Science, as she talks about the maintaining your AEDs so they are always ready and working.
Preventing Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Young Athletes - The Case for ECG Screening
Join Dr. David Hadley, President of Cardea Screen, as he talks about how to help prevent sudden cardiac arrest in young athletes. Learn how ECG screening can identify athletes that require follow up for life threatening cardiac abnormalities.in Tricia Taylor-Hoff, Manager of Rescue Ready AED Management Service at Cardiac Science, as she talks about the maintaining your AEDs so they are always ready and working.
What Safety Training Do Schools Need to Provide to All School Personnel?
Join Alan Rosenauer, CEO of Compliance Publishing, as he goes through what safety training is required for schools. Learn how to maintain safety certificates and best practices for managing a school's safety training program.
School AED Programs That Work: Best Practices for Preparing for Cardiac Arrest
Join Alice Boatman, Emergency Preparedness and Continuity Coordinator at Montgomery College, and Tammy Lombardi, Heart Safe Solution Specialist and 12-year veteran with Physio-Control, to learn best practices for managing successful AED programs of all sizes.
1h 3m
How To Detect Vision Disorders With A Video Game
Richard S. Tirendi, CEO and Co-Founder, VisionQuest 20/20 will discuss an innovative technology that can detect virtually any problem that impacts a child’s ability to see. Learn the differences between objective and subjective vision screenings. Get to know what APP and AAPOS recommend. He will also talk about how the EyeSpy 20/20 Video Game Vision Screener works and how schools can bring the program to their students at little to no cost.
Developing A Strong Vision Health System (Part I)
This webinar is targeted to the staff of Head Start and other early childhood programs that screen vision in young children. It is important for these centers to develop a strong vision health program that ensures all children will have the opportunity to develop their best visual potential.ichard S. Tirendi, CEO and Co-Founder, VisionQuest 20/20 will discuss an innovative technology that can detect virtually any problem that impacts a child’s ability to see. Learn the differences between objective and subjective vision screenings. Get to know what APP and AAPOS recommend. He will also talk about how the EyeSpy 20/20 Video Game Vision Screener works and how schools can bring the program to their students at little to no cost.
1h 11m
Developing A Strong Vision Health System (Part II)
This webinar is targeted to the staff of Head Start and other early childhood programs that screen vision in young children. It is important for these centers to develop a strong vision health program that ensures all children will have the opportunity to develop their best visual potential.
1h 22m
Why Do We Screen Vision in Young Children
This webinar will go over why it is important for Head Start and early childhood programs screen vision of young children to understand the "why" behind vision screening (other than screening is mandated or a program offering).
1h 23m
Medication Safety Practices at School: Addressing Challenges for the School Nurse
Barbara Smith, MS, of SchoolMeds.com and Philip Johnson, Clinical Pharmacist will explore what current research tells us about safe medication practices, and how best practices translate into the complex working environment of the school nurse.
1h 27m
Learn How to Support Struggling Learners with Read & Write Gold
As many as two-thirds of students in classrooms today score below proficiency in reading. This includes students who speak English as a second language, students with disabilities, and others who do not yet possess the skills needed to meet today's rigorous standards. Read&Write Gold software provides comprehensive literacy supports for diverse learners at all levels. This includes text-to-speech, word prediction, talking and picture dictionaries, vocabulary list builder, grammar supports and much more!
Learn About the First and Only iPad-Compatible Video Magnifier
Learn how a new iPad compatible wireless video magnifier called E-bot can help students with low vision embrace assistive technology, even if they’ve been reluctant in the past. Find out how portable, wireless magnifiers with OCR text-to-speech can minimize lesson prep time and increase lesson flexibility for teachers and trainers.
Discover How Dragon Speech Recognition Helps Improve Productivity for Students with RSI and Accessibility Needs
Melissa Henry and David Pashayan from Dragon NaturallySpeaking® will discuss how students and workers with Assistive Needs or Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI) can use speech recognition software to increase productivity with minimal supervision.
How to Promote Early Articulation Skills with Teddy Talker
Linda Siciliano, CCC-SLP and President of Creative Speech Products, will introduce her exciting new product, Teddy Talker.
Discover How Dragon Naturally Speaking Can Boost Productivity For Students & Teachers
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional enterprise-ready speech recognition software lets you interact with your PC by voice - three times faster than typing - to boost productivity and cut costs. Control your PC with simple voice commands. Create documents, send email, and search the Web just by talking. Create macros to automate business processes. Even use a digital voice recorder and Dragon will transcribe the audio files back at your PC.
Learn About Computer Accessibility for People Who Cannot Use Their Hands
The Safe Laser System from InvoTek allows you to communicate with your medical providers and family, use your favorite computing device, or control your environment with an easy-to-use, eye-safe laser pointer and specialized keyboard. The hands free keyboard is simple to control and the eye-safe laser pointing system is ideal for people with complex needs.
Learn How to Overcome Articulation Disorders in Children More Quickly
Speech Buddies help children overcome articulation disorders – faster. Improve your students' existing speech therapy routine or establish a new one. Great tools for use in professional therapy sessions and at home for practice and reinforcement.
How to Improve Reading, Writing & Study Skills, Provide Computer Access to Persons with Low Vision, and Increase Productivity
ClaroRead is a handy floating toolbar that aids in reading, writing, research, comprehension and test-taking by offering an arsenal of tools all in easy reach across Microsoft Office, PDF , the internet and more. This award-winning software offers word prediction, audible read-back, research and fact tracking, spellcheck, thesaurus and homophone support from a compact and simple to use interface that's ready when you are.