Visit School Health at Booth #1100!
School Health offers a comprehensive and diverse assortment of health supplies from highly reputable brands. Having years of experience in the field and extensive knowledge, our seasoned professionals are dedicated to assisting you from start to finish. We’ll help you find the products you need and provide detailed training and maintenance services. Drop by our booth for exciting ways to engage with our team!
Enter our giveaways!
Stop by our booth and enter to win one of our amazing prizes! Plus, we’ll also be giving away a brand new ZOLL Rescue Cabinet and more exciting items!

Stop by our Booth to Interact
A Book Signing:
Shine Hope Founder and Chief Hope Officer, Kathryn Goetzke, will be signing her book at our booth at 12:15 pm on Saturday, June 29! Come meet Kathryn after her keynote presentation; Activating Hope to Foster Student Mental and Physical Health, Safety, Connection and Performance. Books will be available to acquire.
Product Demos with your Favorites:
- MAICO audiometers, including the MAICO easyTone
- Vision Screening equipment, including the Spot Vision Screener
- Diagnostic equipment
- Emergency preparedness essentials
Get a free T-shirt!
Show off your school nurse spirit with this School Health t-shirt! Starting at 3:00 pm on Saturday, June 29, we'll be giving away these "School Nurse" shirts while supplies last!

Show us your dance moves!
Join us for a night of dancing and fun in the Grand Ballroom on Friday, June 28, immediately following the Lily Awards Presentation!